Tuesday, March 13, 2012


The world is...busy.

Actually, that's quite an understatement. The world doesn't stop. It doesn't allow us to stop. It doesn't allow us to breathe. We're often consumed by work, school, obligations, etc. But that's normal, right?

That's a huge part of our problem. We don't know how to stop. either we're incapable of doing such a thing, due to our workload, or we're scared to do so. Most people don't have the time to stop. Well, the truth is, none of us have the time. We have to make the time. The time just won't magically appear out of thin air. That'd be nice.

Prayer should involve silence to some certain degree. Personally, quite a bit of prayer contains silence. I'll often begin and end with silence, as well as dwelling with silence for a prolonged period of time within my prayer. We need to give Him the time to delight in us. He longs to have time with us. He wants and yearns to delight in us. Don't get me wrong, He will take us and delight in us no matter what, but wouldn't it be nice to give Him time in silence? For us to be quiet, to stop talking, and just be. Just be and let Him love on us. Let Him love us where we are. We don't need to move, to go anywhere, but where we are is good enough. He'll reach. He'll get it. Always.

This is dwelling. Dwell. Dwell in silence. Dwell in Love Himself. Mmmmm!!! Love! Dwell in Love, in Peace, in Hope, in Rest, in Freedom, in Truth! He allows our sould to rest and breathe when we dwell.

The thing is, we don't dwell enough. We can dwell in quite a number of places. I've been turning off the music in the car recently and just enjoying the silence. We don't get silence often. We have to fill the void. We fill that silent void with just noise. Subliminally we fill it with noise. I encourage you to embrace silence. Embrace it in a new way. At first, it was a bit uncomfortable, but now, I yearn for that silence I know I'll get when I drive. I know it's a place where I can rest in Him and where He can love on me.

So dwell. Just be.
Be, and let Him love on you in silence.

to Christ through Mary,

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