Monday, March 5, 2012


In a lot of ways our hearts are filled with plenty open spaces, yearning to be filled with something. Unfortunately, we often turn and try to fill these voids with things that will not satisfy us.  Not only will these things the world feeds us not satisfy us, but often they hurt us. They hurt us bad.  We're now left with a wound, whether it's a wound inflicted upon us with another, by another, or by ourselves. The wound is there.

So now not only do we have a void, a void that already hurt because there was empty space, but we have this empty aching void and all around that void in our heart are cracks. These cracks run deep. These cracks are our sin.

First, we need to learn how to fill the void.  That void can only be filled by the Lord.  He is the only thing that will ever satisfy us.  Until we acknowledge this, we'll continue to search for things to try and satisfy the void.  Trust me, the Lord will fill the void. He'll satisfy. He'll come through. He always comes through.


Oh, cracks. Unfortunately, these cracks are wounds.  Most wounds are wounds that leave a scar.  Now this doesn't mean that they can't be made better, but scars tend to stay to some degree.  What God can do is He can fill the cracks.  He can fill these cracks, and He will fill these cracks with his tender love and mercy.  He wants to fill the cracks. If you allow Him to fill the cracks, He will.

Not only will He fill the cracks, but He'll pour a whole new foundation over the cracks. This new foundation will be filled with hope. He'll cover the cracks to where they can no longer be seen. He can, and He will. He'll make it better. He'll make you new. He wants to make you happy - to fill you with joy.

He looks upon us with love and joy. He wants this for us.  He wants what's best for us - always. He's in it for our good.

to Christ through Mary,

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